Thursday, June 17, 2010

A new direction

Hello everyone!

I apologize for not updating for a while. I know I said I wouldn't apologize anymore for delays in updating, but I feel like I left the last post as a bit of a cliffhanger.

After much consideration, discussion, and deliberation about the direction that my life is headed, I've decided to accept the research position at the University, and stay in Germany for another year. The research project is very interesting to me, and the career and educational benefits are great as well. I will be able to work on my thesis here in Kassel, which is extremely helpful, and I will be working with researchers and universities all over the world. My plan has changed considerably since I arrived in Germany nine months ago, but that's life. New opportunities have arisen, new interests have emerged, and I've changed how I see things. THAT is life.

A very important bonus about this new job is that I am able to come back to the US for three months this fall. I will be able to continue working from the US, so I won't lose any time (or money) and I will be able to visit friends and family, meet new babies, see new homes, and be in New England for the holidays. This was a huge factor in accepting the job, and I'm extremely grateful.

Now that this decision has been made, I'm faced with a new set of responsibilities and tasks. Apart from working in the research center and learning about the history of the project, I have to deal with the logistics of staying an additional year. I am hoping to sub-let my room for three months while I am away (Let me know if you know anyone!), I am trying to cancel my health insurance and enroll in much less expensive insurance, I still have to focus on my papers (damn...) and mentally prepare myself for another year. Still, I'm looking forward to it. Last night I attended a dinner with other members of our project teams. I sat next to a very interesting girl from Italy, but she is moving to Portugal to work on the team there. The other members of the team that I met were very friendly, and very interested in how I ended up in Kassel.

Apart from classes and work, life in Kassel is starting to feel more like, well, my life. I planted some zucchini plants in my garden, I've been exploring on my bicycle, and I'm spending lots of time watching the World Cup games in public settings. Almost every Bier Garten is showing every game, and the University has a tent set up with a huge flatscreen and students come for every game to drink beer, eat bratwurst, and yell at the TV. That is like heaven for me.

I'll update more at a later date, but for now I'm enjoying the summer weather and looking forward to my future.

Bis später!

1 comment:

  1. I've been a bad blog reader and commenter--apologies. I do love your updates, and I feel special getting mentioned. :) I am very hopeful that I'll get to see you over Christmas!
