Friday, December 18, 2009

Frohe Weihnachten!

Hallo Everyone!

It's been a while since I last updated, and I apologize for that. I've been a very busy student so you'll have to excuse me. Today is Friday the 18th, and it was the last day of my third module. This module was on the subject of Internationalization, a topic very near to my heart. I had high expectations of this class, and it did not disappoint. We had a good number of group discussions and I'm continually amazed by the differences in higher education systems all over the world. I've got to begin this paper right away, but fortunately I'm super interested in it.

In case you were wondering, I did manage to finish my last paper before this class began. It turned out to be a totally fascinating subject, and I really enjoyed writing the paper. I can only hope that my Professor enjoys reading it. I wasn't sure if I had a good grasp, but I got my grade for my first paper, and now I feel as though I am on the right track. My grade was a 1.3, which essentially translates to an "A". 1.0 is the highest, followed by 1.3, 1.7 and then 2.0, 2.3, 2.7 etc etc so I suppose I did pretty well. Hooray!

I'm headed to Vienna for Christmas tomorrow, and I still have much to do before I leave so I apologize if this post is a bit short. But I do want to share some pictures of the Weinnachtsmarkt in Kassel. It's such an incredible experience and I couldn't get enough of it. I hope my photos convey just a bit of that. There are also some pictures of the rain from my window and the town of Warburg (very old town).

Please click here to see the entire slideshow.

Enjoy, and I hope your holidays are warm and wonderful.


  1. frohe weinachten! glad to hear everything is going well--have fun in wein!! can't wait to see your weiner pictureeeesssss

  2. Merry Christmas Amy! Love your pictures and can't wait for more.
