Friday, October 2, 2009

Wilkomen aus Deutschland!

Well folks, I made it in one piece. Actually, in four pieces, if you're going to count up all my luggage. I've gotten a lot of snarky looks due to the size of my gargantuan suitcase, but I'm here for a year, so everyone can just shut up.

I am currently sitting in the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof at a T-mobile hotspot, waiting for my 12:00 PM train. It's only 10:45, so I think I may have overshot how long I would need to get off the plane. Ahh well. It gives me some time to reconnect with the other side of the Atlantic.

My flights were uneventful, which is all one can hope for, but I will say that Air Canada is the least organized airline I have ever encountered. If you can avoid them, do. See, we look out for you here at Blogwurst. Letting you learn from our mistakes. Oh God, We've fallen into the "Royal We", haven't we? Shieße.

I don't have much to report at this point, except that me and my four other pieces are sitting quite comfortably. Once I arrive in Kassel, sleep for 8 days and unpack, I will try to update again and hopefully post some pictures of my new home.

Until then, everyone enjoy your Friday!